Just a quick and simple monogram card using the JustRite C-30 and my Ornate Tooled Leather background stamp from Starving Artistamps. To create the color on my background piece I used the Bandanna Technique from the August TJNL. Although it doesn't show in the scan, the white doodles are there!
To create the suspension piece - I used several circle punches, smaller than the circle punched in my card stock and base piece. I dyed a piece of linen thread black to use as the suspension thread. Again white dots from my gel pen were added to the monogram.
Stamps - JustRite C-30,Ornate Tooled Leather
Ink - Black, Adirondak Pool, Aqua
Card Stock - White, Black, Tempting Turquoise
Other - White Gel Pen, Black Grosgrain, Black Marker, Circle Punches, Linen Thread

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