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December 1, 2015

Holiday Gift Box

Today I'm sharing a quick and easy Holiday Box Tutorial using using the eBrush, along with Sharpie Markers, SVG File from Dreaming Tree, the Dottie Stencil from Just a Trace and the Silhouette Cameo.

Supplies: (some supplies not shown above)
eBrush with Sharpie Adapters
Markers: Sharpie
Silhouette Sheet
Silhouette Die Cutting Machine
Other - Kraft Card Stock, Scor-Pal,  Dreaming Tree Take Out Box, Tulle, Non Stick Craft Sheet, Dottie Stencil from Just a Trace

Using the Silhouette Cameo, cut box from Kraft card stock. Place cut box onto Silhouette sheet so it doesn't move.  Place stencil over card stock, place the Dottie Stencil over the card stock.  Use the eBrush and Sharpie Marker (Bronze) to add color over the stencil.  

 Remove Stencil

Place stencil back over card stock, add additional colors using Sharpie Markers and the eBrush, if desired.  I added Red circles over the Bronze.

Remove Stencil

If you want to add a bit of sparkle to the Tulle to tie around your gift box, simple place the Tulle on the Non Stick Craft Sheet, and use the eBrush and Bronze Sharpie Marker.

I like to score my boxes by hand, so I used the Scor-Pal.

Assemble Box, add Tulle.

Thanks for stopping by!

example image


Suzanne C said...

So cool! I love the circles and how you shadowed them in two colors. Beautiful box!

Gerrie Johnnic said...

Pretty color combo, love the circles!

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