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April 5, 2013

Bloggers Challenge - Backgrounds

Happy Bloggers Challenge Friday! Thanks to those who played along with last weeks Bling it On Challenge.  This weeks challenge is Backgrounds!

Here's a peek at my backgrounds, be sure to check back on Monday April 8th, to see what I created with them!

If you'd like to play along with this weeks Bloggers Challenge, please link back to this post on your blog and mention you created your card for the Bloggers Challenge Background Challenge. Please add your link using the Link Tool below, your link should be a direct link to your Bloggers Challenge Post, use your name as the Title. Please do not link to cards that were created prior to the challenge date. Entries not linking properly, or backlinked will be removed. If you have the captcha enabled on your blog, please consider turning it off, as it makes it so much easier to leave comments.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

example image


Basement Stamper said...

Can't wait to see what you do with them, I have one created-need to figure out what to do with it though :-)

Terry said...

I love backgrounds and these look quite interesting! Happy Weekend!

Shelly Schmidt said...

So glad to create with the BC theme this Friday : ) I am always inspired with how the players interpret the challenge : )

Words and Pictures said...

Well now, you see... that'll teach me to get behind with blog visiting! Going to link up my tags now - what a great challenge, right up my street. I'm ploughing through catching up, so I'll find your Monday post eventually!!
Alison x

Karen P said...

Fantastic challenge, only just found you thanks to FP! I love making my own so thank you for a fab challenge hugs Karen P

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