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November 22, 2010

The M.A.I.N. Kick-Off Event

Marney Makridakis from ArtellaLand.com has just announced a new creative business-building program called The M.A.I.N. Kick-Off Event which begins November 30. M.A.I.N. stands for "MENTORing and INVENTORing Network", and it's truly a Business Building Extravaganza in which creative, enthusiastically ambitious professionals will receive marketing and business mentoring to build and promote their businesses in an inventive, step-by-step progression that is based on the ARTbundance™ Principles of Gratitude, Intuition, Balance, Vision, Attraction, Choice, Action, Connection, Service. Learn more about The M.A.I.N. Kick-Off Event, here!


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