Thank you for all your kind words on my posts! It was fun to read about your favorite Halloween costumes! I was surprised that so many of you liked Candy Corn, glad to know I'm in good company! I had the random number generator pick the winner of the TJNL CD#7
True Random Number Generator Result: 12
Connie Gage said...
Loved the coffin, seen a differnt coffin at our scrapbook store in town and was so neat. I need to make one. haha. Favorite candy is snickers, kit kat's and reese's , oh heck I like any and all candy. ha. Costumes we never bought any, always had to make mine as a kid.
Congrats Connie! Please email me by November 11th to claim your prize!
Thanks everyone for playing!
Here's a treat for those of you who didn't win....A Technique Junkies Newsletter Special for New Subscribers and Renewals. Got a Stamper on your Holiday List? The TJNL makes a great stocking stuffer!
Subscribe today to the Technique Junkie Newsletter and receive 7 issues for only $19.95*!
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That's only $16.50 for renewals!! Hurry, though, this offer ends soon!
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