Time Flies......Where has the time gone? Today our youngest is getting his 8th Grade Graduation pictures taken, and tomorrow out oldest celebrates his 15th Birthday, thus the reason for some blog candy! Boy they sure do grow fast, take some time to give your kids an extra hug or two today!
Guess what else? If your a TJNL Subscriber, the February issues should be hitting your mailboxes shortly! I haven't had a chance to try all the techniques in this issue, but am hoping to create with those I haven't had time to try. I had a favorite new technique from this issue from the ones I previously completed, but that all changed today when I tried the Mono Masking Technique. I love collage images - so this one was right up my alley!All the images I used are from I Brake for Stamps - Writing Background and images from the Collage Elements and because it's Mono Chromatic - there's no need to fuss over what colors of ink and card stock you'll be using. Just a tip - if your a TJNL Subscriber - I used Eclipse Tape in place of my Post It Notes, just a personal preference.
So, what am I giving away today - the JustRite Damask Borders Monogram Stamper Kit! To enter just leave a comment on this post by 11PM CST on Sunday, February 1st and you'll be entered into a random drawing to receive the Damask Borders Monogram JustRite Stamper Kit. I'll have the random number generator pick my winner! Be sure to check back on Monday, February 2nd to see if you've won!
Stamps - I Brake for Stamps, Writing Background, Collage Elements
Ink - Chocolate Chip
Card Stock - Close to Cocoa, Vanilla, Chocolate Chip
Other - Eclipse Tape, Stipple Brush
Finished Size - 5-1/2" x 4-1/4"

Lovely card and handsome boys! Time does seem to fly by when you least expect it! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Oooh I am the first comment. That must be an omen. LOL Great card and looks like a cool technique. Kids sure do grow up fast don't they! Mine are 26, 21, and soon to be 18. It's amazing how fast it goes! Kathy Eddy
Love the design and mono chromatic colors. Great job and handsome young men you have. Thanks for sharing.
What cute pictures and cute boys.
Nice looking boys! Mine aren't quite as old, but I hear ya - time flies!! Would love those borders - thanks!
Your cute little fellows are growing up into handsome young men. I hug my youngest all the time because her older brothers are too cool for that so they claim. You're right--time does fly. Love your card and your blog gives me so much inspiration. Thank you for sharing with us all and for the opportunity to win such a wonderful prize.
Lisa, what a lovely card. As for your boys, yes, they do grow so fast. I know my DS is 5.5 y/o and I remember so clearly bringing him home from the orphanage. We treasure each day with him!
Aren't those the cutest younger and older pictures. My step-son is going to be 25 in a few days. I can remember when he was 6. It is amazing how the time flies. I would love to win this.
pedstamper at sbcglobal dot net
I hear ya! My oldest will be 21 in a few months. How in the world did that happen, especially since I haven't aged that many years! HAHA! Thanks for the chance to win your wonderful blog candy! You are such an inspiration with all the wonderful projects you share. Thank you!
Rene' Mewes
Oh I can't wait to get my newsletter for sure! This technique is so cool, and the stamps you chose are perfect! AWESOME job...as always!
Yeah, where does the time go??? I only wish I had realized it when mine were younger! Lisa, cherish each moment you have with them because they're soon to be grown and out on their own...but they will never outgrow mama's heart!
They DO grow fast, don't they? I love collage images, too, and your card is great!
Time certainly does fly!!! My eldest just turned 30 and his brother is only 18 months behind him. That is so unbelievable. I feel 25 how can my boys be in their 20's and 30? Enjoy them while you can. You turn around and they are adults. Very handsome boys. Thanks for sharing their photos and the blog candy.
Very nice looking boys. I agree about time flying. My "baby" just turned 30, where do the years go.
I'll be looking for my TJ newsletter. I've enjoyed your sneak peaks. Thanks for the blog candy offer--.
Just wait until their babies are calling you about coming to play in the snow. Boy oh boy, time really does fly! This card is great, too.
Good looking boys, be prepared for all those calls from the girls!
Love the mono chromatic look and what a wonderful manly card. Thanks for the give away.
funny you should say that - my husband just found a picture of me holding my oldest - he was 1 I had no gray hair - 17 years later .... he is in college and can hold me, and I have hardly any brown hair - yep time does fly!
Thanks for the fun.
LOVE your work.
Awww-what handsome young men! My oldest will be 13 in March and I *swear* we have that Pooh outfit-came with a snap on Pooh-face bib with ears, right? Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
Your card is stunning - the colors are so striking, love it! TFS
Time does fly! You are right to enjoy them while you can! The card is so neat. I am a subscriber and look forward to every issue. I like the monochromatic look also.
you sure have two handsome young men there! you are right...time does fly! i have a 3 1/2 year old and it seems like yesterday she was in her premie sized outfits....i awe everytime i see one hanging on a rack....remember when....
anyway....before i tear up...i would love to be entered into your drawing for some just right products!
I really like that card, Lisa. I have three men for whom I'm always having to make cards. New suggestions and appropriate stamps are always appreciated.
You have a beautiful family, Lisa. My boys are grown and I miss their childhood times.
Evette Rice
Time does fly! My youngest just turned 18! UGH! I guess I'm going to have to change my age now. It's kind of hard to have an 18 year old daughter when I'm only 29. :) Cathy
I know the feeling! My eldest is 23 and out of the house for two years now and my 'baby' is a HS senior with her college acceptance letter clutched tightly in her hand. I'm looking forward to the next TNLJ and would love a shot at the blog candy. - Theresa Romani (I don't have a blog/ID)
Time indeed flies faster than we know Lisa!! My daughter turned 24 last month and it seemed that it was just yesterday she was a teenager! Love your card, it is gorgeous! You amaze me girl! Thanks for sharing your art work! Love and hugs always!
Such wonderful incentive to have us eagerly await the next newsletter.
Great card and set. I would love to win.
Tish cattish@verizon.net
I was just telling my hubby last night about how it doesn't seem possible that our kids are all grown up now. (26 and 22)Thanks for the chance to enter into your drawing.
Jannette D.
Beautiful card! Your boys are so handsome. :)
Oh, some nice looking boys you have there! It sure does fly! Very nice card as well. Thanks for the chance to win!
They are growing into handsome young men. :) I have a 5 year old son and 11 year old daughter. THey are growing up WAY too fast!
The boys went from adorable to handsome!!! Just watching how my students have changed over the years and have now started having children of their own!! It's just crazy!
thanks for the candy offering! I'm always up for candy (usually licorice but this is even better!)
those are a couple of very handsome young men you have there. I am greatly enjoying your blog. Thank you.
You have two fine looking young men there. Just wait until they are in their early 20's like mine and then wonder where the time went. Great your card and technique -- I need to do more with mono chromatic colors.
Love the card!! Time does fly. I am not happy about these kids of ours getting bigger!
great pics of your boys! and yes, they do grow soooo fast! I am a mother of 5 and a grandmother of almost 16! my oldest grandchild is almost 17! how on earth did that happen!!!!
thanks lisa, for all the wonderful ideas you share!
qlt7scrap at cox dot net
Not boys, young men! lol Tell me about growing up fast my 15yr old just started drivers ed...and I think she scared the teacher her first time behind the wheel two days ago!!! LOL
Thanks so much for all your sharing,
~Lana B~
Thanks for the nice card and the inspiration along the way. Thank you for the giveaway. Kids grow way to fast. My oldest is going to be 20 and he was just born yesterday.
That is a fabulous mascline card!!! I love it!!!
And I have been drooling over that damask stamp set for some time...I would love to win that candy....it would be better than my usual Hot Tamales!!!
I know what you mean about time flying by... My sisters oldest had a baby three months ago and O told her I was to young to be a great aunt at 35... LOL When I held here sweet heart she looked so much like here mommy...
Those boys will be men before you know it Lisa!
I've just been checking the new TJ newsletter online - you've done a great job with your card!
Thanks for the chance to win!
beautiful card and handsome sons!! You sure are right about time flying, it's downright scary! :-) Thanks for the chance at such great blog candy! Tracy in Michigan, crazyforsu@aol.com
ooh, please enter me for the blog candy! Can hardly wait for the next issue of TJNL! My babies are 30 and 28 now....how did this happen as somewhere in there I was that age and still feel like it most of the time...a little wiser maybe and a little more cynical.
This is a wonderful card, Lisa!! I just signed up for TJNL a few days ago...can't wait to get my first one! Oh, and your boys are just adorable!
Yes, I do know time flies. My *big* baby is 16 and a junior!!!! My little one is 14. I am soooo not ready to be a senior mom next year.
Awwwwwww what handsome young men!! Mine is 24 but I did give him a big hug today. Make sure I do that everyday. What great blog candy too. I've really been wanting to try some of these just rite stamps.
Deb B
My baby turns sixteen next month and it seems to have gone by quickly (most of the time!) I like what you did with the technique.
Great card...love the mono chromatic with the antique look. My children are 16 and 17. I have been thinking how much they have grown and how our lives have changed since they were babies. Isn't it incredible? Very handsome young men you have!
My son is about to turn 20 and I am trying to come up with a card for him as he will no longer be a teen. Thanks for the chance to win. Beautiful card....as always I love your ideas.
I can't wait to get my February issue to find out how you did this masking technique. I LOVE that card!!! Thanks for a chance to win the JustRite Damask borders.
Great blog candy! :)
Count me in.
abackman66 at hotmail dot com
I would love to have the border stamps to use. I have the letters, but no borders. I enjoyed your blog about your sons. It just takes a blink of the eye for them to grow up.
Love this card! Thanks for the opportunity to win the Just Rite Stampers! I love them.
What good looking boys...you must be so proud of them! I love the card...I'm looking forward to getting my newsletter and trying the technique myself! Thanks for the chance to win the border stamps!
Those are some good looking boys you've got there! You are so right about how time flies when kids are growing up!
Thanks for the op to win some really YUMMY blog candy!
Char in So Cal
{scrampaddict} {at} {cox} {dot} {net}
Wonderful card.
I can't wait to try this technique myself.
Happy birthday to your son!
Marilyn geneva1599@juno.com
Boy I tell you. They really grow up fast. Thanks for the chance to win.
Time does fly! Thanks for the chance to win.
I understand about time flying by...mine are 25,23 and 21...your boys are very handsome. Thanks for the chance to win.
I totally understand how quickly time flies, esp once the kiddies are in school all day! :P Thx!
Those are cute pics of your boys. They do grow up fast. I don't have kids yet, but I'm a teacher and my first group of kids is already in 7th grade (I taught them Kindergarten). I also like your design.
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I love your card and your handsome guys. I can't believe my granddaughter will turn thirteen in May. Time seems to jump ahead by weeks and months instead of minutes and hours. Thanks for the opportunity to win the stamper. I have been looking at them recently and love their versatality (sp? word? =lol)...Gayle
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