If you LOVE techniques, then you'll LOVE the Technique Junkies Newsletter! You'll want to take advantage of this special pricing so you can join in on the TJNL's Birthday Celebration in October - there will be giveaways, contests and LOTS of prizes!

(this is a sneak peek at the Metallic Alcohol Roll Technique I wrote and filmed for the October TJNL - click to enlarge)
Special Pricing Details:
This offer is valid through September 30
Get two years of the Technique Junkie Newsletter at 2004 prices!
Get the 2007 and 2008 Technique Junkie Newsletters for just $33.00 (US addresses only).
You will receive a whopping 150 techniques delivered to your doorstep. TJ techniques are step-by-step -- not an overview -- and the newsletter itself is full-color, professionally printed and high-quality. In addition, you have online-access to the step-by-step picture tutorials online -- and GREAT artwork from talented designers. No-one has more tutorials than the Technique Junkie Newsletter.
With our 5 years of publications, we have an archive of nearly 400 Rubber Stamping Tutorials -- and so many more to come!
Email Pat Huntoon at phuntoon@optonline.net for a PayPal invoice to get your subscription started -- or send a check to the address below.
Technique Junkie Newsletter
PO Box 16547
Stamford CT 06905
PS: Yes, it is good for renewals, too!

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