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July 23, 2007

Technique Junkies Newsletter Special

For a limited time, get two years of the Technique Junkie Newsletter at 2004 prices! Get the 2007 and 2008 Technique Junkie newsletters for just $33.00 (US addresses only). Be sure to tell Pat - "Lisa sent you". OFFER ENDS AUGUST 8, 2007

You'll receive a whopping 150 techniques delivered to your doorstep. TJ techniques are step-by-step -- not an overview -- and the newsletter itself is full-color, professionally printed and high-quality.

In addition, you will have access to the step-by-step picture tutorials online -- and GREAT artwork from talented designers. No-one has more tutorials than the Technique Junkie Newsletter.

In the 5 years of publication, The Technique Junkies Newsletters have an archive of nearly 400 Rubber Stamping Tutorials -- and so many more to come! You can Email Pat for a PayPal invoice to get your subscription started -- or send a check to the address below. Thank you!

Technique Junkie Newsletter
PO Box 16547
Stamford CT 06905

PS: Yes, it is good for renewals, too...

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Great special. I have looked and looked at this and just never got around to signing up. Thanks for the special!

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