Thinking about what to do with all those card fronts? Donate them! Here is a great effort led by one of my team members, Kate Lougee:
"My brother in law is in a chief in the Navy and is getting deployed on the USS Kearsage leaving in July. I am trying to get a large group of all occasion cards for him to take with him for the men and women on the ship to send back home to their family for all the events they will miss while they are deployed.I know lots of people have swaps and other sample cards and card fronts that wonder how to get good use out of them once the set is retired, this is the perfect opportunity!!!I will make them into full cards and send along envelopes; all I need are some card fronts to stick on them! I would really appreciate your help in getting a note out to the team to see if they could help me out. There are over 3100 people on that ship so hopefully a good number will get a smile on their face from our efforts to have cards for them.
If you are interested helping out - mail your card fronts to Kate by July 14:
Kate Lougee
240 E. Jeanette Pl.
Mundelein, IL 60060

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